Our partners

Organisations we work with in Wales


Welsh Government’s historic environment service.

Cadw works for an accessible and well-protected historic environment for Wales by:

  • helping to care for our historic environment for the benefit of people today and in the future
  • promoting the development of the skills that are needed to look after our historic environment properly
  • helping people to cherish and enjoy our historic environment
  • making our historic environment work for our economic well-being
  • working with partners to achieve our common goals together.

Cadw is part of the Welsh Government’s Arts and Sport Department and is answerable to the Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, Dawn Bowden MS.

Cadw leads the Historic Environment Group (HEG), a national forum that consists of public sector bodies and representatives of voluntary sector organisations and owners of historic sites.  Historic Houses is a member of HEG.

More information about Cadw can be found on its website here.

Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates, University of Bangor

The Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates (ISWE) is a national research centre which exists to enhance understanding of the role of estates and country houses in the histories, cultures and landscapes of Wales.

The impacts and influences of estates and country houses in the histories, cultures and landscapes of Wales were often profound: up until their breakup and demise in the early-twentieth century, landed estates formed integral parts of Welsh life. It was here that much of the social, cultural, political, economic and industrial fabric of Wales was stitched together, exerting influences across local, national and global spheres.

From its home at Bangor University ISWE uses the archives, cultural heritage collections and built environments associated with these places to promote an interdisciplinary programme of research, ensuring that the knowledge generated regarding Wales’ past is accessible and shared to contribute constructively to its future.

The following principles guide its work:

  • Research excellence
  • Collections-based
  • Partnership and collaboration
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Public and community engagement

Working with partners such as Historic Houses, ISWE’s objective is to make a long-term contribution to the intellectual and cultural life of Wales, and deliver a vibrant programme of research which is international in scope and significance.

For more information on the work of ISWE and details of forthcoming events, visit its website here.

CLA Cymru

The Country Land & Business Association in Wales champions the rural economy, environment and way of life.

Representing around 3,000 members, CLA Cymru serves its members and the rural community by direct engagement with the Welsh Government, local government, and other stakeholders on the key issues of the day affecting countryside communities and businesses. This includes matters affecting agriculture and the food supply chain, rural economic development, rural infrastructure, tax, the planning consent process, management of National Parks and designated land, residential and commercial letting.

The organisation provides a range of benefits and services to members including direct, individual business advice, and CLA Cymru keeps members informed of developments that are likely to affect them. CLA Cymru not only represents landowners and land managers, but a diverse range of rural businesses and service providers.

Many CLA members own historic properties that are house members of Historic Houses.

You can read more about CLA Cymru and its activities here.

The Welsh Historic Gardens Trust

The Welsh Historic Gardens Trust (WHGT) is a national conservation and heritage charity set up to protect and conserve the historic parks and gardens in Wales.

The WHGT campaigns to save historic gardens and parks from neglect, indifference, insensitive planning and inappropriate planting for future generations.

Wales has many outstanding parks and gardens which are as much part of the Welsh heritage as the buildings and towns they were designed to complement. WHGT aims to promote the cultural importance of these sites.

WHGT aims to:

  • Raise the profile of parks and garden heritage in Wales which make such a rich and varied contribution to our landscape.
  • Promote interest and enjoyment in the beauty and diversity of Welsh parks and gardens including the famous and less well-known, large and small, formal and picturesque, to the widest audience to ensure their survival for future generations.
  • Promote the restoration and conservation of threatened parks and gardens, and those At Risk of becoming lost gardens, which are of special historic interest in Wales.
  • Research and document the garden history of Wales, an important element of the historic and cultural identity of the Nation.

The Trust promotes the enjoyment and understanding of all these landscapes through its program of visits, lectures and research activities.

Many Historic House members are also members of WHGT.

More information about WHGT can be found on its website here.